Each and every strand we offer has been hand-selected in Asia by our expert buying team, who select only from the top grade available. This means that although the pearls are freshwater, they boast nearly perfect shape, surface and luster. The Specified Size is an Important Distinction The size of the pearls in this bracelet range from 8.5-9.0 mm in size. This is a very important distinction when shopping for pearls. A pearl bracelet that is 8.0-9.0 mm will traditionally be composed of 75% 8.0-8.5 mm pearls and 25% 8.5-9.0 mm pearls. Our bracelets are composed of 100% 8.5-9.0 mm pearls. Not only does this make a significant difference in value, it's a difference you can see and a difference you can feel. The AAA is slightly more round than AA+. The colors are completely natural. The bracelet is individually knotted on silk and measures approximately 7.5 inches in length. It's finished with a solid, 14-karat gold clasp.
8.5-9.0 mm AAA Pink to Peach Freshwater Pearl Bracelet